With so many architectural practices offering different services, you may wonder what makes one better than another. The differences between architects can be vast, therefore it is important to consider how they fit with your aspirations. We have highlighted some of the key points to look out for when comparing architects, taken from the relationships we have forged over the years with some great clients. The following is to help you select an architect, including our

It depends on the scale and nature of your project, and what works you are looking to carry out. You may wish to commission a simple extension to your existing home or undertake a more ambitious project such as designing a new bespoke home for you and your family. Aside from the nature of your ambitions, there are other factors to consider. For example, if you are commissioning an extension to your existing home, does that

When working with an architect, he or she will explain the various project journey stages that are required to complete the project. These are outlined on our website, here https://www.rhjbarchitects.com/studio-2/ First and foremost, your architect will prepare a document in consultation with you, the Client. This document is known as the “project brief” and forms part of the first stage, “Brief Determination”. Gathering this important information enables your architect to provide a scope of their services, a

The actual cost of an extension will depend on several factors, including the size, complexity, structural requirements, finish, quality, site access and significantly, where your home is located. Based on information taken directly from our live projects and competitive tender returns we recommend that for new build extension works, including one and two-storey side returns, and rear and front extensions, you allow between £3,250 and £3,750 per square metre. This would include roof spaces (loft or

The actual cost of your new home will depend on several factors, including the size, complexity, structural requirements, finish, quality, site access and significantly, where your home is located. Based on information taken directly from our live projects and competitive tender returns, we recommend that for a new build within London and the southeast, you allow between £3,250 and £3,750 per square metre. Although not as expensive as retrospectively creating a basement, constructing a basement as

The following is taken from a real conversation with a current RHJB Client, who, when we first met, had in their own admission an un-informed idea on spending for their project. Simply saying they felt “£300k was reasonable”. Armed with this notion, we were able to walk them through the following simplified overview, identifying realistic figures on which to assess their options, to establish if moving financially answered their problem, or indeed if staying in

The short answer is it depends on the size and complexity of your project and how much involvement you want from an Architect. For example, there are several work stages for any given building project, ranging from assisting you in establishing your brief, and your critical goals for the project, to developing detailed concept designs, meetings with planners, producing planning drawings and submission, detailed construction drawings, interior design and so on, culminating in administering a contract

There are a couple of things to consider here; The “value” that the extension will add to your everyday life, and… The financial “value” 1) This one is perhaps easier to quantify. Many of us find ourselves spending more time at home than we ever use to. Hybrid working has meant that we crave calm quiet spaces to work in, that are separate from the rest of the house. This could be a dedicated workspace within the

The short answer is No! A good architect can work anywhere and should be proficient in working with national and local planning policies. The planning application process is common across England, with occasional nuances in the types of drawings to be submitted eg. Some authorities like to see a section drawing taken through any proposed buildings, highlighting internal and external heights and levels. However, as a matter of course all good architects should double-check these requirements (Even within authorities they commonly interact with)

In short, not normally! - but there are factors which must be considered. Let’s start with what a Conservation Area is… it is an area designated by the local planning authority to protect the architectural and historic features which make it unique. If you live in a Conservation Area, this usually means that there are some controls (called Article 4 directions) on what you can do without permission, such as replacing windows, or cutting down trees. You